1. Meaning or definition of Audio-Lingual Method
Audio-Lingual Method is a style of teaching language used in teaching foreign languages, it is based on behaviorist theory which processes that certain traist of living things and on this case human could be trained through a system of reinforcement.
2. Audio-Lingual Method Focuses in
The method focuses in speaking and listening, pronounciation, they should come on the first time, reading and writing come later,the grammatical is not
3. History of Audio-Lingual Method
The Audio-lingual Method was developed in the U.S. during the Second World War. At that time, the U.S. government found it a great necessity to set up a special language-training program to supply the war with language personnel. Therefore, the government commissioned American universities to develop foreign language program for military personnel. Thus the Army Specialized Training Programme (ASTP) was established in 1942.The objectives of the army program ware for students to attain conversational proficiency in a variety of foreign languages. The method used was known as the “informant method ”, since it used a native speakers of the language, the informant , and a linguist. The informant served as a source of language for imitation, and the linguist supervised the learning experience. The intensive system adopted by the army achieved excellent results.
Linguists and applied linguists during this period were becoming increasingly involved in the teaching of English as a foreign language. In 1941 the first English Language institute in the U.S. was established to in the University of Michigan. The director of the institute was Charles Fries, who applied the principles of structural linguists to language teaching. The result is an approach which advocated aural training first, then pronunciation training, followed by speaking, reading and writing.
The emergence of the Audio-lingual Method resulted from the increased attention to foreign language teaching in the U.S. towards the end of the 1950s.The need for a radical change and rethinking of foreign language teaching methodology made language teaching specialists set about developing a method that was applicable to conditions in U.S. college and university classrooms. They drew on the earlier experience of the army programs and the Aural-Oral or structural Approach developed by Fries and his colleagues, adding insights taken from behaviorist psychology. This combination of structural linguistic theory, aural-oral procedures, and behaviorist psychology led to the Audio-lingual Method, which was widely adopted for teaching foreign languages in North American colleges and universities.
4. Techniques of Audio-Lingual Method
The method was supported by appearance on the market of large variety of mechanical aids, such as tape recorders and language laboratory.
5. Principles of Audio-Lingual Method
The principles of audio-lingual method derive from the aims of learning a foreign language, they include some aspects of language teaching, the linguistics aims audio-language method are
Ø Learners are able to comprehend the foreign language when it is spoken at normal speed and concerned with ordinary matters
Ø Learners are able to speak in pronunciation and grammatical correctness
Ø No finding difficult to understand printed material
Ø Able to write in standard correctness with their experience
Ø There are three major component parts of language, sound of system, the structure, and the vocabulary
6. Characteristic of Audio-Lingual Method
1. Contrastive analysis is used for sequencing structures.
2. Structural patterns are taught by repetitive drills.
3. The explanation about grammar is not important.
4. Listening and speaking is more important than reading and writing.
2. Structural patterns are taught by repetitive drills.
3. The explanation about grammar is not important.
4. Listening and speaking is more important than reading and writing. using pattern drill
6. by using teaching reading,choral reading, silent readingintensive reading, extensive reading, supplementary reading,
7. by using teaching writing such as imitative writing, dictation, guided writing, controlled writing, controlled composition.
5. Procedure of Audio-Lingual Method
v Giving motivation on the first time to make the learners interest
v Introduction of the material
v Anticipation of difficulties
v First listening
v Check on difficulties, in words and in structures
v Second listening
v Questions
v Third listening
v Questions about the informal questions to test comprehension
6. Advantage of using Audio-Lingual Method
v because it focuses in speaking and listening, the learners will be easy to be able to speak as soon as possible
v making language teaching possible to large group of learners
v explain about sentence production
v control over grammatical structure and development of oral ability
v Developing simple technique and making use of language lab.
v Developing language skill
7. Disadvantage of using Audio-Lingual Method
v The ability to speak fluently is not acquired primarily in the classroom but through much additional practice on the outside
v Real conversation is difficult to achieve
v Conversation must not be confused with oral practice conversation involves a free spontaneous discussion
v Speaking ability is the most difficult phase
v This ability is least likely to be trained.
v It is difficult to teach because it requires unusual resourcefulness, skill, and energy on the part of teacher.
v Conversation of learners it depends on the vocabularies, memorization
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